BioSum Downloads

Download the most current version of BioSum, user guides, and a starter project using the links below. Please check back often, as the BioSum application is updated as needs arise.



For users looking to download the most recent version of BioSum.

----> Continue to the Software download page


User Guide

The DRAFT BioSum User’s Guide provides a brief overview of the framework and extensive, step-by-step documentation of the BioSum workflow. Follow these steps to create a BioSum project, calculate travel times, generate FVS input databases, load FVS outputs, evaluate management effect, calculate the costs of and wood yield and economic return of multi-decade silvicultural trajectories, and build logic to identify the best silviculture on every acre and project the outcomes.

New users of BioSum are strongly encouraged to download and read the entire user guide. Please note that this DRAFT and partial version of the BioSum User’s Guide is provided as a convenience to users of the Beta version of this software. We are gradually improving this documentation with respect to completeness, accuracy and accessibility with the goal of publishing it later in 2024. The current version contains known gaps and inaccuracies, particularly where software functions are evolving.

----> March 21, 2024 version of the BioSum Users Guide PDF


Starter Project

Located in the Blue Mountains of Eastern Oregon, this starter project was created to help new users get accustomed to the BioSum framework. The starter project contains all the elements of a complete project, including plots, treatment packages, economic assumptions, and travel time information.

----> Continue to the Starter Project download page


Legacy versions

To upgrade old BioSum projects to the current version, users may need to download multiple legacy versions to effect this transition.

----> Continue to the legacy versions page


gis_travel_times_master database and spatial data

Travel times are pre-calculated for over 900 current, past and potential wood processing sites. To use this data, download and unzip the zipped (compressed) version of the the gis_travel_times_master.accdb and move it to your C:\Users\user_name\AppData\Roaming\FIABiosum folder. To run your own travel time analyses, consult chapter 3 and consider using the road data available linked from this page.

----> Continue to the gis and spatial data page