BioSum Software

Software Requirements

The minimum requirements for running BioSum (not included in installation package):

  • Microsoft Windows 7 or later
  • Microsoft Office 2016 or 365, 64 bit version, with Access
  • Microsoft Access Database Engine 2016, 64 bit, a free download
  • A 64-bit SQLite ODBC driver, a free download
  • A Java SDK (v1.8 or later)
  • A recent R version (64 bit) a free download
  • ArcGIS 10.0 or later or an existing Access database of travel times from plots to facilities (such as the one provided on this site)
  • FVS Online -- IMPORTANT NOTE: As of BioSum 5.9.0, only FVS Online is supported; 5.8.10 could use FVS Suppose versions 2.02 or later, and versions before 5.8.10 could use only Suppose, which is no longer supported by FVS.

For New Users

Step 1: Ensure that all of the above software requirements are installed and working, carefully following the Installation Guide to ensure that all supporting components are properly installed.

Step 2: Please send us an e-mail with your name, institution, and intended use to so that we can let you know about any software issues we become aware of and BioSum updates as they become available.

Step 3: Follow instructions below for installing the latest version of the BioSum software. If you need to work with a BioSum version that predates 5.9.0, review the Legacy BioSum software notes section below and request access, including the required version number, to a full install package by emailing


Latest Version of BioSum

Use this link ONLY if you have already downloaded and installed the supporting software. As of now, there is no version newer than 5.11.1 to update to, so this serves as a placeholder for future versions.

FIA BioSum - (fia_biosum_setup_vBeta5.11.1.msi, 50.5 MB, updated 11/12/2024) follow the instructions below for installation.

  1. 1. Click the above link to download.
  2. 2. Save the file to your local computer when prompted.
  3. 3. Uninstall any other versions of FIA BioSum with the same version number (earlier versions can be retained).
  4. 4. Once the download is complete, right-click on the .msi file and choose install as Admin (or as Elevated).


Legacy BioSum software (prior to v5.9.0) notes

Earlier versions of BioSum, such as 5.8.10 which is now available only on the legacy software page, and is minimally supported, owing to the discontinuation of Forest Service support for Suppose and for ORACLE Express Edition, are one component in a full install package, that also includes

  • Oracle 11g Express Edition (XE) 64-bit
  • FIADB Oracle Schema
  • R 3.4.0