POP Table Management

This page contains resources for rebuilding POP tables for pre-BioSum 5.9 projects, to allow estimation of BioSum results using FIA design-based estimators.


Users needing to rebuild POP (population) tables should read the Legacy_POP guide, linked below, and download the needed resources from the other links on this page.


---->Download Legacy POP guide here (legacy_pop.pdf, 221 kB)


---->Download a POP table SQLite template database here (master.db, 53 kB)


---->POP table data for all evaluation IDs in PNW (master_pop_PNW.zip, 14 MB)


---->POP table data for all evaluation IDs in PNW (master_pop_RMRS.zip, 35 MB)


---->POP Extractor database with queries to load master.db (POP_Extractor.accdb, 1.2 MB)